Tempest Liquid Dispenser's Trusted Reliability and Precise Low-volume Continuous Flow Dispensing

Описание к видео Tempest Liquid Dispenser's Trusted Reliability and Precise Low-volume Continuous Flow Dispensing

Save Time on Your Dispenses with Continuous Flow
The Continuous Flow (CF) chip adds exceptionally fast plate filling to the Tempest system's trusted reliability and precise low-volume dispensing. The CF chip uses a pressurized reservoir to dispense a constant stream of liquid from all eight nozzle positions and can be installed alongside the standard diaphragm chips to provide a complete automation solution to your plate-filling needs.

CV less than 3% across all eight nozzles when filling a 96-well plate
Adjustable flow rates, capable of greater than 400 µL per second
Fill a 96-deep-well plate with 2 mL per well in under 2 minutes

Learn more about the Tempest Liquid Dispenser: https://formulatrix.com/liquid-handli...


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