Progressively enhancing like it’s 2003

Описание к видео Progressively enhancing like it’s 2003

Back in March 2003, Nick Finck and Steve Champeon stunned the web design world with the concept of progressive enhancement, a strategy for web design that emphasizes core webpage content first, and that then progressively adds more nuanced and technically rigorous layers of presentation and features on top of the content. While in 2003, progressive enhancement was about using at the time modern CSS features, unobtrusive JavaScript, and even Scalable Vector Graphics, progressive enhancement in 2020 is about using modern browser capabilities.

In this talk, we show an example of a greeting card web application how new and upcoming browser capabilities can progressively enhance this application so that it remains useful on all modern browsers, but delivers an advanced experience on browsers that support capabilities like native file system access, system clipboard access, contacts retrieval, periodic background sync, screen wake lock, sharing features, and many more.

After watching this session, developers will have a solid understanding of how to progressively enhance their web applications with new browser features, all while not putting a download burden on the subset of their users that happen to be on incompatible browsers, and, most importantly, while not excluding them from using the web application in the first place.

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Thomas Steiner

#webdevLIVE" event: LIVE 2020; re_ty: Publish; fullname: Thomas Steiner; product: Chrome - General;


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