India Q2 GDP Growth: सितंबर तिमाही में सुस्त पड़ी भारत की रफ्तार, 5.4 फीसदी रही GDP ग्रोथ | BIZ Tak

Описание к видео India Q2 GDP Growth: सितंबर तिमाही में सुस्त पड़ी भारत की रफ्तार, 5.4 फीसदी रही GDP ग्रोथ | BIZ Tak

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India's economy is projected to have slowed in the July-September quarter, marking its weakest growth in 18 months. This slowdown is attributed to sluggish urban consumption, influenced by rising food prices, despite an increase in government spending,The National Statistics Office is due to announce GDP figures for July-September quarter on Friday at 4:00 PM today.
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