Beatles Lyrics Quiz : A Hard Days Nights

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Question 1 : How does the singer describe his night in the lyrics?
Answer a: A hard days night
Answer b: A long and boring night
Answer c: A stressful night
Answer d: A peaceful night

Question 2 : What does the singer say he should be doing?
Answer a: Going out
Answer b: Sleeping like a log
Answer c: Watching television
Answer d: Working more

Question 3 : Why does the singer work all day?
Answer a: To get you money to buy you things
Answer b: To keep himself busy
Answer c: To fulfill his dreams
Answer d: To stay away from home

Question 4 : How does the singer feel when hes home?
Answer a: Everything seems to be right
Answer b: He feels lonely
Answer c: He feels bored
Answer d: He feels sad

Question 5 : What makes the singer feel alright when he gets home?
Answer a: His favorite TV show
Answer b: The things that you do
Answer c: The dinner on the table
Answer d: The peaceful silence

Question 6 : Why doesnt the singer moan?
Answer a: Because when he gets you alone, he feels OK
Answer b: Because hes too tired
Answer c: Because he doesnt care
Answer d: Because hes happy at work

Question 7 : What is the repeated line at the end of the song?
Answer a: I should be sleeping like a log
Answer b: Ive been working like a dog
Answer c: When I get home to you
Answer d: You know I feel alright

Question 8 : What does the singer say he does all day?
Answer a: Play guitar
Answer b: Sleep
Answer c: Work
Answer d: Write songs

Question 9 : What does the singer expect to hear from the listener?
Answer a: That youre going to give me everything
Answer b: That you love him
Answer c: That youre leaving him
Answer d: That youre proud of him

Question 10 : What does the singer feel when youre holding him tight?
Answer a: Love, yeah
Answer b: Safe, yeah
Answer c: Tight, yeah
Answer d: Warm, yeah

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