习近平和彭丽媛举行仪式欢迎波兰总统访华/Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan hold a ceremony to welcome Polish President to China

Описание к видео 习近平和彭丽媛举行仪式欢迎波兰总统访华/Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan hold a ceremony to welcome Polish President to China

On the afternoon of June 24, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan held a welcoming ceremony and talks with Polish President Andrzej Duda, who was on a state visit to China, at the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Li Qiang met with the Polish President; Li Qiang met with the Vietnamese Prime Minister; Zhao Leji met with the Polish President; Ding Xuexiang met with foreign experts who won the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award
习近平和彭丽媛举行仪式欢迎波兰总统访华/Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan hold a ceremony to welcome Polish President to China


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