絲路旅程之5 - 新疆吐魯番火焰山, 坎兒井 & 交河故城 Silk Road Journey - Turpan, Qanat & Jiaohe Rhins

Описание к видео 絲路旅程之5 - 新疆吐魯番火焰山, 坎兒井 & 交河故城 Silk Road Journey - Turpan, Qanat & Jiaohe Rhins

「火焰山」位於吐魯番盆地的北缘, 山體由紅色砂岩構成, 在烈日照射下就像烈焰熊熊,因以得名,這裡是中國最熱的地方,夏季最高溫高達攝氏47.8度. 火焰山因西遊記裡孫悟空三借芭蕉扇撲滅烈火的故事而聞名天下. 火焰山附近的高昌王國曾是古絲路商旅來往的重鎮. 吐魯番地表乾燥缺水,先民用智慧創造性的將地下水引導至地面進行灌溉和生活用水,被稱為「坎兒井」,全疆有1784條坎兒井,總長度5272公里. 它與萬里長城和京杭大運河並稱為中國古代三大工程.「交河故城」位於吐魯番市以西13公里處,曾是絲綢之路上天山南麓的重要都城,公元前二世紀由車師人所創建,也是世界上最大最古老的生土建築城市. 唐西域最高軍政機構安西都護府最早就設在交合故城.
「Turpan」, also known as Tulufan, is the hottest spot in China, the nearby Gauchang Kingdom was merchant traders' respite stop in the ancient silk route.「Qanat」 is an underground water system to divert groundwater to ground for irrigation and life. In Xinjiang there are 1784 qanats(karezes) with total length of 5272 km. It is reputed as one of three great projects in ancient China together with the Great Wall and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.「The Jiaohe Ruins」 is part of the Silk Road UNESCO World Heritage Sites built on a large islet in the middle of a river which formed natural defenses. It was abandoned after its destruction during an invasion by the Mongols in 14 century. Francisco Wu, Toronto


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