Knex Fruitmachine or One Arm Bandit

Описание к видео Knex Fruitmachine or One Arm Bandit

This is my Knex Fruitmachine or One Arm Bandit, or rather Two Arm Bandit. Had a lot of fun building it and a heap of challenges to overcome. Made this in the Spring of 2020, lots of Covid 19 time. Quite impressed with how I found out how to construct certain aspects of it.

OK, so it's not fully automatic, so it has two levers, so sometimes things go awry, but I thoroughly enjoy this crazy machine, have done for months now. Cannot bring myself to break it down.

As it is months ago since I built it, on the fly, more and more details come back to me how I made it which I haven't shown. Maybe I'll add another video for more intricate details.

Thanks to ted Pounds for inspiring me to finally try and build this.

So, until another idea comes up, it is staying with me!


PS dismantled early May 2021...


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