Pax Dei: Expedition into the Wild & Base Expansion - 2024-06-21

Описание к видео Pax Dei: Expedition into the Wild & Base Expansion - 2024-06-21

In this episode of Pax Dei, I embark on a multi-faceted adventure that combines hunting, resource gathering, and significant base expansion. The journey begins with a deer hunt, followed by processing the hides and collecting vital resources.

Returning to my base, I conduct several building experiments. I start by laying the floor on the second story and attempting to erect walls, only to receive a warning about structural weakness. My efforts to reinforce the structure with long wooden beams prove ineffective, prompting me to enhance stability by implementing stone foundations.

Driven by the need for advanced gear, I venture into a forest teeming with wild animals. Early in the exploration, I am attacked by two boars, which I successfully defeat and skin, gaining new items and recipes. Moments later, while focused on hunting a herd of deer, I am ambushed by two wolves. Despite my best efforts, my current equipment proves inadequate, and the wolves quickly overpower me.

Reviving at a nearby shrine, I attempt to recover my gear and continue exploring the forest. However, after several subsequent encounters with wolves that end in similar defeats, I decide to retreat strategically to my base.

This video showcases the blend of construction challenges and the hazards of exploring unknown territories. The experiences and new knowledge gained during this venture will undoubtedly inform future expeditions and base enhancements. Join me as I navigate the intricacies of survival, construction, and resource management in the ever-challenging world of Pax Dei.


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