Colossians 2:9-10 - Jesus is God at full strength

Описание к видео Colossians 2:9-10 - Jesus is God at full strength

Colossians 2:9-10 - "in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the Head over every power and authority."

Jesus is not just a sample of what God is like.

He is NOT a diluted form of divinity. Sometimes people might say that Jesus is God diluted or scaled down to a size or level that we can manage.

However, that is completely wrong. If anything, Jesus is God scaled UP or concentrated into a form that is stronger, fuller, more intense!

He is ALL the FULLNESS of the Deity - not spread out across the universe but concentrated into one bodily form.

There is nothing in the infinite and eternal divine being that is above or beyond what we meet in the bodily form of Jesus of Nazareth.

When we look at Jesus our whole view of the human body is transformed. Far from being worthless, ugly or evil, through Jesus the human body is caught up into the fullness of the divine life and nature.

So, when we begin our thinking and living from Jesus - "all the fullness of God in bodily form" - we see how our own perfection, completion, and fullness is all found in Him.

If we want to know what we were designed to be and do; if we want to see what human potential REALLY is; if we want to know our destiny, then we need to turn away from the con artists and gurus who try to flatter us with self-improvement programmes, and instead go to Jesus who has taken our humanity to the very highest level of all: into the eternal and infinite life of God!


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