خواناسی پایە بەرز مامۆستا ئەحمەدی موفتی زادە کە بەدەستی ڕژێمی شیعەی ئێران شەهید کرا (بەشی ٢)

Описание к видео خواناسی پایە بەرز مامۆستا ئەحمەدی موفتی زادە کە بەدەستی ڕژێمی شیعەی ئێران شەهید کرا (بەشی ٢)

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Ahmad Moftizadeh



Other name(s)

Ellameh Ahmad Moftizadeh



Sanandaj, Kurdistan


Tehran, Iran

Senior posting

Based in

Iranian Kurdistan

Period in office

1933 - 1993

Religious career

Previous post

Leadership and founder intellectual movement school Quran
Religious leader of the Kurdistan region



Ahmad Moftizadeh (1933--1993) Kak Ahmed Moftizadeh was an influential political and religious thinker among the Sunni Kurdish minority in Iranian Kurdistan.[1] He is best known for his leading role in negotiating democratic freedoms for the Kurdish people in Iran during the country's Islamic Revolution. Moftizadeh led one of three major Kurdish factions during the Islamic Revolution that were demanding increased rights for Kurds in the new government. His negotiations ultimately failed and the new revolutionary authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran ordered the arrest of Moftizadeh and several of his followers.[2] Moftizadeh died shortly after his release from prison in 1993 due to severe torture and mistreatment by Iranian prison authoritie.


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