The Mike Henry Show - Seth Green - Ep. 09

Описание к видео The Mike Henry Show - Seth Green - Ep. 09

Seth Green was the first famous person that I was ever friends with. We met at the beginning of Family Guy in 1998 and really got to know each other in 2004 when we hung out for a weekend at the Montreal Comedy Festival where we participated in a monumental Family Guy live table read. Seth talks about falling in love with acting as a child and the good fortune he’s had in working with a lot of great actors when he was very young. We talk about the fun stuff we’ve gotten to do with Family Guy like being on Inside the Actor’s Studio with James Lipton. Seth and I bust into Chris and Herbert and talk about the ridiculousness that surrounds their dynamic. We express our shared gratitude for getting to do what we do for a living and have an overall real swell conversation. As a bonus, I have included a video that Seth shot of me singing “Somewhere That’s Green” as Herbert at Carnegie Hall in 2008. Enjoy!

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