Capturing Jupiter and Saturn from my backyard: start to finish

Описание к видео Capturing Jupiter and Saturn from my backyard: start to finish

Here is a video showing the process of capturing images of Jupiter and Saturn from start to finish. I use my Celestron c9.25 telescope and zwo asi 462mc planetary camera on an AVX mount to capture these images. I had really great seeing for capturing these images, and it serves as a good example of what you can do with relatively inexpensive planetary gear. The water bottle counterweights are also out in full force. I show how the capturing process works, as well as the stacking process with autostakkert and winjupos, along with some wavelets in registax/pixinsight. I hope Y'all enjoy!

If you are watching this video and want to know what is a good telescope to get for shooting the planets starting out, here is what I recommend to you:
Celestron 8SE:
TPO Barlow:
Visual back:
ASI 462MC:

This setup will allow you to take some really great planetary and lunar images for about $1,800.


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