A chaotic start to getting my Hoya collection in order 😵‍💫

Описание к видео A chaotic start to getting my Hoya collection in order 😵‍💫

Hello everyone! Here we are again, getting my Hoya collection in order. This was a far more chaotic start than I anticipated - I did expect it to be a challenge, but the two plants I tackle in this video really gave me a hard time 🫠 Nevertheless, I won and now we can move on with some other Hoyas in the next video!
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00:00 the plan, the strategy & the delusion.
09:52 facing my biggest grow tent
20:34 a hot mess of tangled hoyas
28:37 fixing my Hoya albiflora
36:10 Hoya paradisea... HELP.
45:01 recap of the chores & the end results

   • A chaotic start to getting my Hoya co...  
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