Lone Digger || Kekkai Sensen AMV

Описание к видео Lone Digger || Kekkai Sensen AMV


I made this in record time and I'm super proud of it oh my god. Just shows what I can do when I actually have some inspiration for once oml.

I recently rewatched KS with the boyfriend and I knew I needed to make an amv with it, and Lone Digger seemed like the obvious choice. It fits the aesthetic of the show so well and I'd been wanting to edit something with it for a long time. It was just as fun as I was hoping it would be!!!

This only took me two days. Two days!? TWO DAYS!??

Anyway this is the part where I tell you to watch Kekkai Sensen because it is the bomb and if you like what you see smash that like button and subscribe if you wanna see more dumb AMVs ^^

All information is at the end of the video please don't ask in the comments there is literally nothing more annoying. :)

**    / xemmathekid   **


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