I’ve shared this recipe so many times… | shaking beef - Bo Luc Lac

Описание к видео I’ve shared this recipe so many times… | shaking beef - Bo Luc Lac


2 lbs beef, cubed. I used ribeye
A lot of minced garlic (like 10 cloves)
3 TBSP oyster sauce
2.5 TBSP low sodium soy sauce
1/2 tsp fish sauce
3 TBSP oil of choice- I used vegetable
2.5 TBSP sugar
1 tsp black pepper

2 TBSP butter
3 bell peppers, any color

1. Combine all of your ingredients listed under marinade and marinate at least 10 mins at room temp (or over night but in the fridge)

2. Then on a skillet with some heat, cook/ sear your beef. About 1 minute each side (2 mins total). I cooked mine in 2 batches

3. In the same skillet after everything is seared, sauté onions for 2 minutes.

4. Then add bell peppers and cook for another 2 minutes

5. Then add your beef back in along with 2 TBSP salted butter. Cook until butter is half way melted. Then turn off heat & continue mixing untold butter is all the way melted

6. Serve with rice, fried egg, and salt, pepper lime dip

7. Bonappetitties


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