Every New Testament Author Warns Against Sexual Sin. Why?

Описание к видео Every New Testament Author Warns Against Sexual Sin. Why?

If you want to discover what God thinks about adultery and sexual immorality, get out your calculator. Open your New Testament at the Gospel of Matthew, chapter one, verse one, and start reading. Add the number of times the author warns you against adultery, sexual lust, sexual temptation or sexual immorality. When you are finished with Matthew, open the Gospel of Mark and continue your exercise. Do this through every book of the New Testament until you arrive at last at the Book of the Revelation, chapter 22, verse 21, the end of the Bible.

What do you find? You discover that every author in the New Testament warns against sexual sin. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude—even the anonymous author of Hebrews—they all warn you against sexual immorality. Some more, some less. But every author of the New Testament wants you to be warned. That tells you something, right?

Let's talk percentages. Have you considered that 81.5% of the books in the New Testament warn against sexual sin? Of the 27 books, a whopping 22 discuss adultery, sexual lust, sexual temptation or sexual immorality in one way or another. And we're not just talking percentages either, but every type of book.

All of the gospels, for example, mention adultery or sexual immorality, or both. The book that gives a history of the early church (the book Acts) warns against sexual immorality. Examine all the letters that Paul wrote to churches, and you discover that he warned every church about sexual sin. Then consider the letters that Paul wrote to individuals. In every epistle but one (Philemon), he mentions sexual sin. Finally, look at the book that describes the end of the age (the book of Revelation). There, you guessed it, you find the sins of adultery and sexual immorality enumerated and warned against.

Why do you suppose every author of the New Testament warns you against sexual sin? Why does every genre of book (gospel, history, letter, prophecy) caution you about sexual sin? Why does the New Testament warn every group of people--Jews and Gentiles, sinners and believers, churches and individuals, leaders and followers, people then and people now--against the sinfulness and divine consequences of adultery and sexual immorality? Because sexual purity is important to God. God's will for you is your sanctification. That's why He wants you to forsake pornography and masturbation. God cares about your sexual sin because He cares about you. That's clearly something worth repeating.


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