Camo Studio Office Hours - DSLR/Mirrorless camera edition

Описание к видео Camo Studio Office Hours - DSLR/Mirrorless camera edition

Join us live for the professional camera edition of Camo office hours! Eden is joined by Lucas, Camo's in house photographer and writer, who will answer all of your questions about getting started with using a DSLR or mirrorless camera for your video content.

We'll cover things to consider before switching from your phone or webcam to a DSLR, how to choose the right camera and lens, how to set it up and get it connected to your computer and how to get the most out of using your camera with Camo.

Drop any questions you have about using a DSLR or mirrorless camera in the chat, and we'll get to as many as we can. We'll also save time for Camo questions :)

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