Die Bürde 2022

Описание к видео Die Bürde 2022

Die Geschichte vom Nikolaus und den Krampussen neu erzählt.
Mit dieser Kurzfilm Variante waren wir mittlerweile auf mehreren Filmfestivals erfolgreich:

Saint Nicholas and the Krampus - how it all started! We were able to get selected at some film festivals:
(scroll down to get some information about this Austrian tradition)

Hollywoods Monthly Film Festival / USA
Berlin Indie Film Festival / D
Austrian Filmfestival / A
The Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards / GB
Prague International Indie Film Festival / CZ
WRPN.TV / global

Idee / created by
Konrad Russegger

Regie / directed by
Melanie Kraft

Kamera / Director of Photography
Tom Höll

Musik / Music
Emanuel Krimpelstätter, Dany Rico

Perchten / masks and costumes Perchten
Strubhaisl Kepf : Rene Reschreiter

Krampusse / masks and costumes Krampusse
Stefan "Monty" Buchsteiner
Schrotteis Gwandlstubn: Matthäus Auer

Besetzung / Cast
Greta - Rosa Eder
Ilse - Katharina Thomanek
Leni - Lana Russegger
Nikolaus - Stefan Buchegger
Heinrich - Rene Reschreiter
Perchten - Thomas Reschreiter, Anna Reschreiter, Martin Reschreiter, Christian Eder
Krampusse - Ingenium Abenau: Matthäus Auer, Dominic Ammerer, Christian Eder, Bernhard Reiter

Camera First Assistant
Konrad Russegger
Lothar Hofer

Editor and Colorist
Konrad Russegger
Tom Höll

Sound Recording / Boom Operator
Erich Winkler

Tom Höll
Konrad Russegger

Emanuel Krimplstätter

costumes and styling
Christina Klug
Lydia Lanzinger

Special thanks
Andrea Russegger, Matthäus Russegger, Familie Wallinger
Heimatmuseum Abtenau, Ronny Rettenbacher
Art of Sight Productions, NBH Events und Consulting,
Markus Berger,Matthias Quehenberger,
Peter Wallinger, Familie Quehenberger,
Postalm Abtenau, Pfarre Strobl, Wolfgang Tonninger

Location: Salzburg / Austria

It’s a tradition in the alpine parts of Austria and Bavaria that Saint Nicholas is visiting families on the 6th of December.
The kids get a review of the last year (it’s written down in the book) and presents. He is usually accompanied by these creatures- they are called Krampus.
They take care of the bad kids...

I think that the Krampus origins from ancient winter spirits and got somewhen established as a counterpart to Saint Nicholas.
However, I could not find a story how and when it started - so I created this one.

Nowadays there are a lot of groups representing St Nicholas and these Krampus creatures walking around the streets around the 6th of December.
The masks are carved out of solid wood trunks and the costumes are made of leather and fur.
They typically have all sorts of bells around a belt - so you usually hear them before you see them.
Hope you enjoy this short film!

© 2022 YDream Production


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