Speedflying LOEN 🇳🇴 - 4K

Описание к видео Speedflying LOEN 🇳🇴 - 4K

A short summary speedflying at Loen Skylift during summer and autumn 2022. Drone video was filmed in 2021. Spectacular place for airport in Norway. The Skylift takes you 1000 altitude meters in just 5 minutes. And with a speedwing, it takes approx 2 minutes on the descent. Welcome to an effective system. People from Norway and abroad :)

Music: Synapsis / Make me Alive. Cred to Aaron Tallott and Romy Harmony. Found at FMA / Free Music Archive.

Drone filming: Cred to ELEVATION Films / @ELEVATIONFilms

Loen Skylift / @loenskylift1011

Wings: Ozone Paragliders / @ozoneparagliders281


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