Lordanos - Elite Stallions

Описание к видео Lordanos - Elite Stallions

For more information see: www.elitestallions.co.uk/index.php?id=13&singleid=63&L=0

Without doubt, Lordanos is one of the very best sires.

Lordanos can look back on a growing number of highly successful show jumpers such as the striking Lou, who was often unbeatable with Franke Sloothaak in the international Youngster Tour and at the CHIO in Aachen. But he was also victorious with Janne Sosath in the Big Tour and jumped clear over two meter high fences in the puissance. In 2007, Lordanos presented a good number of horses that qualified for the Bundeschampionat. After Lumos' victory in Warendorf in 2004, Light On was a high placed finalist in the class for five year olds in 2007. The top priced Verden auction horse Lohengrin became the Hanoverian Show Jumper Champion and another son won the licensing in Finland. Among Lordanos' off-spring you also find Lord, a successful three-star horse, the multiple Grand Prix winner Laokoon, Loriot, winner of the Italian Show Jumping Championships as well as Lord Sandro DDH, the Oldenburg Vice Champion under Ulli Kirchhoff. In Verden he presented the second Reserve Champion with emphasis on jumping and in Oldenburg a premium stallion sold for 125,000 Euros along with another licensed son. The number of licensed Lordanos sons has meanwhile risen to more than 20. In Switzerland, one of his foals won the Championships of Avenches. Lordanos' breeding record has exceeded our highest expectations and he has proved to reliably pass on his willingness to perform, rideability and ability to jump. Lordanos' career began by winning a series of nearly 40 tests for young jumpers and ever since he was eight he has been successful in advanced (S) level competitions and as a family horse winning advanced (S) level tests with all three Sosaths that ride. Inbred over the famous and high profiled Ramiro line 776, Lordanos is a guarantee for maximum performance traits!

Rodrigo Pessoa, Meredith Michaels Beerbaum, Marco Kutscher, all have a Lordanos!


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