【オレンジとナッツのブラウニー】【Orange and nut brownies】の作り方/パティシエが教えるお菓子作り!

Описание к видео 【オレンジとナッツのブラウニー】【Orange and nut brownies】の作り方/パティシエが教えるお菓子作り!



オンラインスイーツスクールSaki.+公式HP  http://saki-plus.com/

無料メルマガ  http://saki-plus.com/maillesson/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/saki.plus/?...


   / @pattisiere-camp  

00:00 オープニング(Opening)
0:26 レシピ(Recipe)
0:34 型準備(Mold preparation)
0:57 下準備(Preparation)
1:32 生地作り(Making dough)
6:10 ガナッシュ(Ganache)
8:07 仕上げ(Finish)

【材料】18cm 角型 1台分
無塩バター 80g
グラニュー糖 95g
全卵 90g
スイートチョコレート56% 65g
薄力粉 85g
ココアパウダー 15g
マカダミアナッツ(無塩) 50g
オレンジピール 50g
グランマニエ 5g

スイートチョコレート56% 70g
生クリーム35% 50g
無塩バター 10g


① 生地作りをする。無塩バターを25℃程度にし、ゴムベラで滑らかな状態にする。グラニュー糖を加え馴染ませ、ホイッパーに持ち替え軽く白っぽくなるまで空気を含ませる。

【Ingredients】For 1 18cm square mold
80g unsalted butter
95g sugar
90g eggs
65g sweet chocolate
85g cake flour
15g cacao powder
50g macadamia nuts (unsalted)
50g orange peel
5g grand Marnier
※You can add liquor to taste. You can do without it.

70g sweet chocolate
50g heavy cream
10g unsalted butter

・Line the mold with paper.
・Preheat the oven to 160°C before making the dough.
・Roast macadamia nuts and chop finely.
・Mix orange peel and liquor.
・Mix cake flour and cacao powder and mix well.
・Bring the eggs to room temperature (about 20°C).
・Melt the sweet chocolate for the brownies in the microwave.

【How to make】
①Make the dough. Bring the unsalted butter to about 25°C and make it smooth. Add the sugar and blend it in, then switch to a whipper and let it air in until it becomes light and white.
②Add the eggs gradually in 5 additions. If you add all of the eggs, they will separate, but be careful not to overmix.
※Be sure to bring the eggs to room temperature (about 20°C) before adding them.
③Adjust the temperature of the melted chocolate to about 35°C and add to the mixture.
④Sift in the flour and cacao powder at once, and mix as if folding.
⑤Add the chopped macadamia nuts and orange peel and mix thoroughly.
⑥Pour the dough into a mold, flatten the surface with a rubber spatula or a card, and bake at 160℃ for about 30 minutes. Remove from the mold and let cool completely.
⑦Make sure the brownies are completely cool before making the ganache. Melt the chocolate in the microwave. It's okay if it's not completely melted.
⑧Cover the cream with plastic wrap, warm it in the microwave, and add it to the chocolate in three parts. When mixing, start from the center and mix slowly.
⑨When all the ingredients have been added, let the mixture cool until it reaches the temperature of human skin, and then add the unsalted butter.
⑩Remove the paper from the brownie and cut the surface flat, then turn it over. Put a small amount of ganache on the brownie and spread it out with a palette to control the small scraps on the surface. Spread the remaining half of the ganache on top of the brownies and smooth the surface.
⑪Trim off the edges and cut into 10 equal pieces.
※I cut the sides to make it look better, but you can leave them as they are.
※Cut into 10 equal pieces, but you can cut them into any size you like.
⑫Put the remaining ganache in a pipe bag and pipe it on top for decoration.
Attach the prepared nuts and dried fruits to the ganache.

■シャープ オーブンレンジ 31L コンベクション 2段調理 ホワイト RE-SS10-XW

■富士ホーロー ベイクウェア フッ素 角型 デコレーション 底取型 18cm

■HARIO(ハリオ)片口ボウル 耐熱ガラス 日本製 KB-1318 3個セット

■ cotta 絞り袋 5-50 白 A50×B29cm


■cottaオリジナル くりかえし使えるオーブンシート(30×100cm)





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