You Are More Than You Think You Are (Guided Meditation)

Описание к видео You Are More Than You Think You Are (Guided Meditation)

This is an Original 10 minute guided morning meditation recorded by us. This meditation guides you to understand that you are a divine creation, intrinsically connected to the universal energy. It encourages you to acknowledge your limitless potential, tapping into your inner wisdom and strength. As you align with your higher self during this practice, you can shed the layers of ego and self-doubt, awakening to the profound truth that you are a unique and sacred expression of the universe. This spiritual journey that can lead to a deeper connection with your inner divinity and a more authentic and purposeful life. Enjoy!

A special thank you to all our monthly supporters!
We appreciate all your support and contribution to allow this channel to continue to share our guided meditations with the world. Thank you!!!
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This recording has been produced by and Exclusively owned by us (Great Meditation).
Voice spoken: Original commentary recorded by us.
Background Image: Original image produced by, and exclusively owned by us.
Background Music: Exclusively owned and produced by us


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