Lesson 184 - Running an Architecture Kata Session

Описание к видео Lesson 184 - Running an Architecture Kata Session

Architecture Katas are a great way to practice and learn about software architecture. They start with a simple problem statement, and teams (or individuals) create a software architecture based on that problem. In this lesson I walk through what an architecture kata is, why the exercise is so valuable, and then describe the five main activities involved with running your own architecture kata.

Architecture Katas: https://fundamentalsofsoftwarearchite...
Kata Resources: https://www.developertoarchitect.com/...
Head First Software Architecture: https://amzn.to/3VNFI0o
Software Architecture Monday: https://bit.ly/3dadEe3
Fundamentals of Software Architecture: https://amzn.to/3rgFLjY
Software Architecture: The Hard Parts: https://amzn.to/3BjMMF2


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