A destructive fire...

Описание к видео A destructive fire...

Recorded on 12/26/2024. This fire happened just about a quarter mile from my house in Vancouver, WA, Clark County. This house was known for causing "trouble" in the neighborhood with multiple fires. I will not speculate on what specifically was going on at this house, but I think we can all draw our own conclusion if you know what I mean. I will not judge the individuals, all though I will be clear that I stand against criminal activity, and to have my neighborhood turned into devastating place to live in. However, as a firm supporter and defender of the OUR Constitution, the fair and just legal process must take place, but given my personal experience no such thing exists in Clark County WA. Now there are of course a few among us "bootlickers" who are more concerned about pleasing the gang, rather then show compassion and preserve the rights of our constitution. I do not dismiss the fact that a lot of the people such as the man in this video, arrived here by making multiple bad choices, got addicted and now are trapped in this horrible cycle. Lives are ruined and tragically lost. I choose to do what I can to reach out and pull them out of this "fire". Involved agency is Clark County Sheriff's Office.


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