Getting started with rabbitmq and cloudamqp python pika

Описание к видео Getting started with rabbitmq and cloudamqp python pika

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sure! here is a tutorial to help you get started with rabbitmq and cloudamqp using python's `pika` library.

rabbitmq is a widely used message broker that implements the advanced message queuing protocol (amqp). cloudamqp is a hosted rabbitmq service that allows you to quickly set up and manage rabbitmq instances in the cloud.

the `pika` library is a python amqp client that allows you to interact with rabbitmq from your python applications.

step 1: set up cloudamqp account
1. sign up for a cloudamqp account at
2. create a new rabbitmq instance.

step 2: install pika library
you can install the `pika` library using pip:

step 3: connect to cloudamqp rabbitmq instance
you will need the connection details provided by cloudamqp to connect to your rabbitmq instance. these details typically include the hostname, port, username, password, and virtual host.

step 4: publish and consume messages using pika
here is an example code that demonstrates how to publish messages to a rabbitmq queue and consume them using `pika`:

step 5: run the code
save the code in a python file and run it. you should see the message being published and consumed by the code.

that's it! you have now successfully set up rabbitmq with cloudamqp using `pika` in python. feel free to explore more features and functionalities provided by rabbitmq and `pika`.


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