The EU's Illegal Tobacco Market: The problem, the consequences and effective solutions

Описание к видео The EU's Illegal Tobacco Market: The problem, the consequences and effective solutions

In 2011, KPMG estimated that the annual consumption of illegal cigarettes in the EU was 65.3 billion cigarettes. This was the highest ever recorded level and the fifth consecutive yearly increase. KPMG estimated the annual EU-wide tax loss due to cigarette smuggling to be approximately 11.3 billion euros.

KPMG conducted a similar study in 2012 and this workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the findings for 2012 and to hear from experts about the intelligence gathered from recent seizures and raids of illicit tobacco products. This session will also explore the ways in which public authorities and the private sector can work together to tackle corruption and the illicit trade in tobacco products.

What can be learned from KPMG's study, and those countries most affected, of the illicit trade in 2012?

Are national authorities in Member States doing enough to fight the illicit trade?

What are some of the solutions that can be applied to the issue?


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