Yoshiki and Toshi ~ Crystal Piano no Kimi with Lyrics

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Crystal Piano no Kimi
君のピアノ弾く揺れる肩に そっと寄り添い歌う僕は
今日は最後と涙止まらず むせび泣いてしまった

I used to quietly stand close to you when I sang, watching your shoulders swayed as you played the piano.
As I know today is the last day I'll stand beside you like this, I can't help but sob fiercely.

誰よりそばで聞いていたよ 君が奏でる愛の響き
もうこの瞬間はこれが最後かと 心はり裂けそうだった

More than anyone else on Earth, I have listened to the melody of love you played.
As I know this moment is the last moment I'll hear you, my heart is torn into pieces.

だけど神様はいたんだよ ほんとにほんとに
今再び出会い、はじまる 人生のスポットライト

And yet, God exists. God really, really exists.
We have met again and started anew, the spotlight of my life.

あの時と同じステージ あの時と同じクリスタルピアノ
あの日のほほ笑む姿 あの日の歌う歌も

We stood on the same stage we used to stand, you played the same crystal piano you used to play
The way you used to smile back then, the songs we used to sing back then...

何もかも全て同じ もう何があっても離れない
もう何が起こっても 恐くないから

... everything has stayed the same. No matter what happens next, I'm not going to leave you anymore.
Because no matter what comes next, I will not be afraid.


"I want to end it all today."
I remember when you heard my words of farewell, you lowered your head.
It has been over 10 years since that day...
I lived in regrets all alone until now.

けど神様はいたんだよ 近くに目の前に
ああこの時 心トキメキ 新たなるスタート

And yet, God exists. Right in front of me.
My heart pounds with excitement now. It's a new start.

あの時と同じフレーズ あの時と同じビューティフルメロディ
あの日の流れる髪に あの日のうつるサングラス

We are saying the same phrases like we used to say. And I sing the same beautiful melody.
Your hair wavers like it did in the past. The same pair of sun glasses reflects the world around us.

何もかも全て同じ もう何もかもが始まっていく

Everything has stayed the same. Everything is about to begin.
Everything will now go according to your will.

なにもかも全て同じ 何もかもが輝いてゆく

Everything has stayed the same. Everything is about to shine.
It will stay like this, and no one will be able to stop us anymore....


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