Stay Alert and Mobile with self hosted NTFY

Описание к видео Stay Alert and Mobile with self hosted NTFY

Welcome to our screencast on how to enhance your small business's alert system using NTFY, a powerful tool that lets you send notifications directly to your phone or desktop. We'll demonstrate how NTFY can be integrated with Uptime Kuma to monitor your services and with N8N to automate notifications.

NTFY is a versatile tool that can keep you updated on your business operations, whether it's through monitoring services like Uptime Kuma or automating tasks with N8N. By integrating NTFY into your workflow, you'll ensure that you're always the first to know when important events occur, allowing you to respond quickly and keep your business running smoothly.

Thank you for watching our screencast. With NTFY, Uptime Kuma, N8N and Formable you have a powerful combination at your fingertips to maintain a vigilant eye on your business's online presence and operations.

Review our Portainer stack for NTFY and get started with Formable's Managed Hosting services:


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