153 Fishes: Blatant Evidence the Bible is from God

Описание к видео 153 Fishes: Blatant Evidence the Bible is from God

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. - John 12.32


Visual Charts & Printouts (PDF/PNG) - Enter $0 into price field for free download:

More links at the bottom of this description. (NetCount, Figma, Bible Software, etc)


Have you heard the glorious gospel?

Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. Is this a small cost?

No... that's a price of infinite worth, that no money can buy. No labour can earn.

That's the perfect Son of God on the cross exchanging His righteousness for our sins.

"Ye who think of sin but lightly,
nor suppose the evil great,
here may view its nature rightly,
here its guilt may estimate.
Mark the sacrifice appointed;
see who bears the awful load;
'tis the Word, the Lord's Anointed,
Son of Man and Son of God."

I am without words as I see Him hanging on the tree.

How about you?

His perfect blood flows down and cries out to the Father on our behalf.

Forgiveness. Pardon. Grace.

The twelve legions in heaven confess:
He didn't have to.

But He did.

He did it for us. He did it for you.

That you and I could be made free.

And from the dead He rose again, reigning over all.

"Here we have a firm foundation,
here the refuge of the lost:
Christ the Rock of our salvation,
His the name of which we boast.
Lamb of God, for sinners wounded,
Sacrifice to cancel guilt!
None shall ever be confounded
who on Him their hope have built."

May 2014. All alone in my bedroom, I, Brandon, called out to Him in distress, asking Jesus to save me. I knew I was guilty. A sinner in the eyes of God. I knew I was going to hell. But I just heard the gospel. I knew who to call. And so my cry came from the deepest part of me. And I'll never forget it. The Holy Spirit of God entered into me in those precious moments. I'll never forget the peace and joy that flooded my soul. My chains of sin and death fell off. Nobody can take that away from me.

Will you receive Him?

Is He knocking on your door?

How sweet and terrifying is that knock? The Lord Jesus Christ, on the other side. Will you let Him in?

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.

Time is running out.

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Romans 3.24-26


For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
Romans 10.12


Quotes borrowed from the Hymn "Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted"


All glory, honour and praise to the captain of our salvation, our Lord Jesus Christ.


Visual Charts & Printouts (PDF/PNG) - Enter $0 into price field for free download: https://www.kjvcharts.com/l/153-fishe...

View main pattern on KJVCode: https://kjvco.de/153fishes

Support our ministry: https://linktr.ee/truthischrist

King James Pure Bible Search: https://www.purebiblesearch.com/

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/JnQQccdS8v...

NetCount (Developed by Michael Schutt)
GitHub - https://github.com/crosscripter/net-c...
Online Version - https://codepen.io/crosscripter/full/...

(The 1000 .csv files from the video are included in the download of the Free Visual Charts)

May the Lord bless you brother Michael. Thank you for your labour of love, so that we can all have a better perspective of what we're looking at.

fish + men = 153 mentions in the Gospels

Previously titled: The 153 Fishes... Utterly Revealed by God ⛵️🐟 {NEW DISCOVERY 2023}


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