2021.08.29 - Aishvarya and madhurya in Krsna-lila - Bhakti Vijnana Goswami

Описание к видео 2021.08.29 - Aishvarya and madhurya in Krsna-lila - Bhakti Vijnana Goswami

There are different schools of bhakti, however all of them agree that there is one Supreme Lord. His name is Krisna, or Visnu, and the ultimate goal of life is to attain an intimate relationship with Him through the process of bhakti. The foundation of Gaudia sampradaya is kṛṣṇas tu bhagavan svayam (SB.1.3.28), it is the key to understand "Srimad-Bhagavatam". Krisna is the Supreme Lord because no other avatar of the Lord manifests both aisvarya and madhurya to the same extent as Krisna.

Yoga maya is a special energy of the Lord, which facilitates closeness of the Lord with the soul. Krisna is great, so He cannot be treated with intimacy, but He is craving for the enjoyment, and enjoyment is only coming from intimacy. Yoga maya is even greater than the Lord, because it can cover the knowledge of the Lord about His greatness. But it does not diminish His greatness, because it is His energy.

The main feature of the proper chanting of Hare Krisna mantra is this feeling that the Lord is mine, only then yoga maya will start giving us shelter. The most amazing feature of yoga maya is that when there is a meeting between Krisna and the inhabitants of Vrindavan, whose footsteps we want to follow, they are so completely enamoured by His beauty and sweetness, that not even a shadow of a thought that He is the Supreme Lord comes to their mind.

In separation from Krisna sometimes aisvarya comes forward. When Vrajavasis meet with Krisna, His beauty invokes the feeling of love within their hearts. But when they are separated from the Lord, all of a sudden they realize that maybe Krisna is very special.

Sometimes Vrajavasis know that Krisna is the Supreme Lord, but this knowledge does not break their relationship with Krisna as their beloved son, or friend. In the same way, we may know that Krisna is the Supreme Lord, but despite this He is very close to us, and He wants to be close to us. While reading "Srimad-Bhagavatam", we have to imbibe the conception that Krisna is very sweet. The first condition to experience the sweetness of Krisna is humility.


1. I feel that it is easier to think that Srila Prabhupada is mine, or a senior devotee is mine, than to think that Krisna is mine. Is this correct understanding?
2. It is necessary to be intimate with devotees, but sometimes we have to keep distance.
3. Is it correct to pray: O my Lord, I am Yours?


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