Das Ugly Stick

Описание к видео Das Ugly Stick

Fly your own Das Ugly Stik! Here it's flown in the REFLEX XTR² model flight simulator at the MFC Salzburg flying field in Austria.

This is the famous "Europe Airfield Kraiwiesen" where the Igo Etrich Aerobatic Cup is annually held.

The simulator model has been made by Burkhard Erdlenbruch of Augsburg, Germany.
Phil Kraft pioneered proportional radio control, and in 1964 he designed as a simple and robust test-bed what later became known as Das Ugly Stik. In 1966 he published plans drawn by his friend George Walker in the GRID LEAKS magazine, and his friend Jim Jensen brought out a kit. Both the design and the kit quickly became famous, and many model fliers had one or more of the originals or the numerous variants coming up soon and until today.


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