
lure to the small spot around 4/5 oclock
pay attention to beacon warning.
*dont stand to close, right after beacon drop down pyro adds gonna be spawn. fast kill it before its destroy beacon (2 hit wipe)

(dodge the lava ground 3x)

preparing for 2nd beacon on the other side, repeat pattern same as 1st beacon, then prepared for share damage mechanic.
spread into 2 group
3 dps 1 healer 1 tank for BOTH of the back feet of the boss

death meteor (share damage), after that fast fo to boss back preparing for
1st knockback(windfire) , and running back to boss position.

preparing for 3rd beacon, repeat pattern.

after 3rd beacon dragon charge something red aura, then become yellow, and goes down after that.
(you can start burst when the yellow aura popup if have burst saved, or wait until dragon goes down)

boss goes up then the beacon all got prisoned

hit the nearest beacon (1st beacon in our run)
prepare to hit pyro after prison break
prepare for lining up and dodge the X fireball mechanic
after fireball shoot, dodge the lava field 3x
dodge the 3rd one while prepare for share DMG (spread into 5-5)
one each of boss back feet, and we gonna face the 2nd knockback.

2 tank, 1 healer go back to boss.
1 healer and all DPS stay then hit the 3rd beacon while monitoring the red field movement.
(timing it with boss blast, so you have time to kill pyro)
to fast DPS gonna be dangerous here

*TANK need to get the meteor ASAP after back to boss here if fail 2 meteor = wipe

*DPS go hitting 3rd prison (dont forget pyro as always)

after tank success taking 2 meteor, the 2 big circle gonna be popup. just spread (if tank success this mechanic deal low DMG)

*after 3rd beacon destroyed, boss spawn elemental adds and then summon 2 orbs , collide the orbs and kill elemental spawn.
after that free DPS windows, and 2nd boss charge repeat burst windows mechanic. (go hit from the back of the boss cause knockback gonna come really fast after he goes up)

*after survive this knockback, just do DPS while repeating meteor mechanic (tank role).

*in this run we F-up in the last but still manage to do it. thats why dont panic when you dead, just believe and handle the situation. dont give up until all wiped out.


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