THE DALTONS - Twister (S01E02) - Full Episode HD

Описание к видео THE DALTONS - Twister (S01E02) - Full Episode HD

Crazy Wolf turns up to warn Peabody, the Prison Director, about an approaching tornado. He requests shelter for his tribe – apart from Fabulous Falcon who plans to stay outside and invent a dance that can stop the tornado. Of course the best shelter would be the cellar… but there isn’t one anymore: Peabody had it filled in! They have to dig another one fast! Funny how willing the Daltons are to start digging…

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Xilam is one of Europe’s leading animation companies, committed to creating, producing and distributing top quality content, both 2D and CGI, for TV, film and new platform formats.
Established in 1999 by Marc du Pontavice, who took over the Gaumont Multimedia assets and library, today, the award-winning company operates from an extensive studio in Paris and Hô-Chi-Minh Ville (Vietnam), employing a talented team of over 300 people.


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