Rainbow Dash x Applejack - Take a look at my girlfriend (MLP)

Описание к видео Rainbow Dash x Applejack - Take a look at my girlfriend (MLP)

Rainbow dash fell first, Applejack fell harder.

I was such an mlp whore back when I was a kid and only now finished the show!!! I fell off around season 7 but I remember hearing in 2019 when the show closed its books that these two became canon, at least lowkey. But to me very highkey. They just make sense. Shit ton of sense.


And to the negative comments:
I gotta say yeah, you're right. They're not ''lgbt'', they're just two female ponies who happen to be in love. That's it. It changes nothing about them.

''My sexuality is not a core part of my identity. I don't purposely flaunt it. I don't expect anyone to respect it. And I sure as hell don't need a stranger's validation for why it's okay. I am the way that I am. Whether you like that or not is absolutely irrelevant to me. I'm not proud of being gay. I think it's mad dumb. When you think of the word pride, you think of some type of achievement, some accomplishment, something you worked for. My attraction to women is not something that I chose. I didn't even work for it. It's just how I am. Straight people don't flaunt the fact that they're straight. That's just how they are.''
- Finding Sky on Youtube

In the end, the most important thing of all is love. Right?

Family Love,
Platonic Love,
Romantic Love,
Love for something, the burn for it.
You name it.

Love is the passion that keeps us going.
How can you say no to love?

And that is what I saw in Appledash. Love.


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