Cleaning rivers goes to a new level

Описание к видео Cleaning rivers goes to a new level

Every year, we throw 300 million tons of plastic waste, which ends up in rivers and oceans, and then enters into our bodies. Plastic kills fish, birds and animals, both in water and on land. Human waste products have become a serious problem for the ecosystems of the rivers, seas and oceans. They are stored over the years and sometimes form big waste islands and garbage spots. The coasts of many developing countries are lined with plastic bottles, fishing tackle and different packaging.
During the pandemic, these garbage mountains were replenished with disposable masks and gloves. To learn how—with the help of modern technologies, businessmen and startups who are not indifferent to our planet ecology, bring the cleaning of water sources to the next level—see our episode. In 2015, experts conducted a study of more than forty thousand rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean and got an unexpected result. It turned out that almost all the garbage that goes into the oceans comes from rivers.


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