Chaotically Transforming Into Losing Win-Rate (MTGA BRO Standard 19)

Описание к видео Chaotically Transforming Into Losing Win-Rate (MTGA BRO Standard 19)

Hi! Thank you all very much for watching.
This is my 19th video for Magic the Gathering Arena Gameplay during the Brother's War Standard Meta.

Today, I played a Temur Combo Deck that uses Chaotic Transformation to cheat out Portal to Phyrexia and Titan of Industry.
However, as you will see in my games, Arena just keep tossing Portals and Titans to my opening hand, rendering the whole deck pointless -_-

I'd love to hear about any suggestions on types of decks to play in the future.
Thanks again and have a great day!

#RNGUniveristy #mtg #magicthegathering #mtgarena #magicthegatheringarena #MTGA #brotherswar


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