Hair oiling to do or not? By Dr Rashmi Shetty

Описание к видео Hair oiling to do or not? By Dr Rashmi Shetty

You have heard of various hair growing tricks, shampoos too, onion juice to champi etc.
But does oiling hair help you grow hair? 🤔

Hair oiling is an ancient practice used to strengthen and moisturize hair — and many believe that it is a big contributor to being beautiful.

We as Indians have many rituals around hair care and oiling. Daily rituals, rituals around special occasions etc. So we believed in oiling always. Now it is backed with modern science and you will find many International and National companies advocating oil - post bath, pre bath etc.

Hair oiling’s main goal is to hydrate your hair so to add shine and reduces breakage. The act of gentle massage can get some blood rushing and calm your nerves so helps hair health.

Now does that mean hair growth ? maybe not. But then should you oil - yes for sure!

3️⃣ Pro tips for while you oil your hair:
1) Don’t have a lot of expectations like your hair will start growing dense, No, that doesn’t happen. Make sure you oil from scalp till the end of the hair tips.

2) Shampoos are good to clean your scalp, they won’t stop hairfall. So be wise when you use shampoos.

3) Never apply oil on a dirty scalp

👉🏻Bonus tip - Warm oil can benefit your practise of oiling & ease the application 😁

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Until next time,
Dr Rashmi Shetty

Dr. Rashmi Shetty, a specialist dermatologist, is an international speaker, teacher and author with over 18 years of experience in aesthetic and clinical dermatology. Dr. Shetty is the Founder and chief dermatologist at Ra Skin and Aesthetics in Mumbai and Reva Health & Skin in Hyderabad. Dr. Shetty has multiple papers in peer reviewed Indian and International journals.Dr. Shetty has also authored the best seller book, “Age Erase” published by Random Book house and is also a sought-after expert contributor by popular magazines like Vogue, Elle, Harpers Bazaar, Readers Digest etc.

  / drrashmishettyra  

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