The things we really want are intangible. 4 ways to focus on the intangibles for more happiness

Описание к видео The things we really want are intangible. 4 ways to focus on the intangibles for more happiness

It's a powerful source of human happiness.

Studio 5 Relationship Contributor Dr. Matt Townsend believes that what matters most in life are the intangibles. The things we can't see. Where having a house is a tangible, we all really long for the intangible "feeling of home." We want the tangible of having a partner, but what we really long for is the intangible need to "be loved."

Matt offers a 10-day relationship makeover program that is truly changing lives. It’s 10 days to improve what is most important to so many people. You can find it on his website,

Read a full write up here:


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