An Introduction to Semiotics

Описание к видео An Introduction to Semiotics

This video serves as an introduction to semiotics, focusing on Ferdinand de Saussure's linguistic theory. The aim of the video is to show how the principles of Saussure's theory of language would be attractive to the semiotics of mass culture practiced by Roland Barthes.

The video first delves into Saussure's key ideas, emphasizing two major claims: the arbitrary nature of the signifier-signified connection and the idea that words derive meaning through their differences from other words in the language. These principles form the basis of structuralism, where language is viewed as a self-contained system defined by internal relationships. The video then explores how Saussure's linguistic theories laid the foundation for the study of signs in culture, particularly in mass media. I discuss the transition from understanding language to analyzing cultural signs, introducing the concept of denotation (obvious meaning) and connotation (additional, cultural meaning). The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of semiotics in revealing the historical, changeable, and culturally specific aspects of connotation, challenging assumptions about natural meanings and encouraging awareness of ideological communication in mass media.

*Corrections: I implied that Let it Be is a "John Lennon" song, whereas it's generally attributed to Paul McCartney.

*Corrections: I accidentally referred to Saussure as a "French linguist." He is Swiss.


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