How to Identify/Make Money from Antique Porcelain/ Secret Info!

Описание к видео How to Identify/Make Money from Antique Porcelain/ Secret Info!

I’m going to teach you how to identify and date antique porcelain in seconds!
These rules of thumb and trade secrets will help you make money out of antiques, if that’s what you want to do, or give you the knowledge to be able to date the antique pieces of pottery or porcelain you have at home.

You can use these top tips when you visit antiques fairs, yard sales, or car boot fairs.

My techniques will help you identify, find and buy bargain antiques from just a pound or so…the antiques bargains are still out there, I promise you!

Note: I’m looking for interesting antiques, collections and stories to feature here on my channel. Also, antiques items to sell for you too…as long as there’s a good element of interest / difference and we can film a fascinating video for my subscribers, we can make it happen…wherever in the world you are

So, please get in touch. You can email me direct at [email protected]

Or visit my website for more info

Cheers, David Harper
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