Development and Gender Equality: Inseparable Processes | Agon Maliqi | TEDxPrishtinaWomen

Описание к видео Development and Gender Equality: Inseparable Processes | Agon Maliqi | TEDxPrishtinaWomen

"Experience has taught me that it’s women, especially those that are close to us, that are the most effective in making men understand what they are going through. Not only by speaking to our brains, but also to our hearts." - Agon Maliqi

Agon Maliqi is a public policy consultant, op-ed writer and civil society activist from Prishtina. Through his writing and professional engagements, Maliqi has actively raised awareness on the causes and consequences of gender inequality in Kosovo and highlighted the need for men to be more vocal in challenging the status-quo.

Agon Maliqi është konsulent i politikave publike, shkrimtar op-ed dhe aktivist i shoqërisë civile nga Prishtina. Përmes shkrimeve të tij dhe angazhimeve profesionale, Maliqi ka ngritur në mënyrë aktive ndërgjegjësimin mbi shkaqet dhe pasojat e pabarazisë gjinore në Kosovë, dhe ka theksuar nevojën që burrat të jenë më të zëshëm në kundërshtimin e status-kuosë.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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