Coming Out To My Jehovah's Witness Parents

Описание к видео Coming Out To My Jehovah's Witness Parents

ive been wanting to do this vid for the longest time. it's a video about the time i came out to my parents, my hispanic jehovah's witness parents.

im almost always wearing a smile, cracking a joke, and making kulit. be warned. not here. something about visiting my parents' house again brings back all the feels. this vid sums up what happened age 15-20. the realization im gay, the self-loathing, the inability to reconcile my faith with my sexuality, the final admission to my parents, and all the ugly that happened afterward.

the hardest thing to share was the moment it first came out. i broke down there for a minute. looking back, i wish i kept it from my family just a little bit longer. had my parents not known, i could have waited it out til college, maybe even had more of their financial support. and that my bubbly boys is worth thinking about.

i realize this isn't the brightest coming out story around. all i hope is that it makes you ask yourself the right questions.

you know your parents better than anyone. are they devoutly religious? open-minded? emotionally stable? i would love nothing more than for you to have the warmest fuzziest coming out story ever, filled with hugs, kisses, and reaffirmations of love. but for those that have reason to second guess, play it smart. think it through, and ask yourself some questions. how old are you? who can you talk about this outside your family that might be more accepting? if things ever got ugly, are you even in a position to take care of yourself?

if you're in doubt, there's nothing wrong with holding it back a few years. there is absolutely no shame in that, my friend.

of all the things i can tell you, bubbly boys and girls. remember too. you are not alone. :*

UPDATE 1/16/14 you guys have poured so many comments full of love, i just keep coming back, and ill make it a point to keep coming back to this comment section more than the other videos. i realize coming out is one of the hardest things we LGBT's will ever have to do and there's no reason to have to do it alone. right below these words you're reading now, a couple dozen formerly closeted jehovah's witnesses have already found each other, along with a whole other bundle of subgroups. and that's just beautiful. so yea ill be back whenever i can.

oh and yes i made a follow up video to this called "After THAT Coming Out Vid":
   • After THAT Coming Out Vid
and yes you can find me on the exclusively gay app moovz


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