How to SAVE an UNDER EXPOSED photo

Описание к видео How to SAVE an UNDER EXPOSED photo

In today's video, I break down in one simple step how to save your under exposed photos. If you're fairly new to the photography game or maybe you just haven't heard of it, you should be shooting in RAW format over JPEG if you want to get the most out of your photos. Shooting in RAW allows you to be able to save even the most absurdly under exposed photos and turn them into bangers! It also gives you complete creative control when you're in post so you can really decide what the final look of the photo will be. Follow along with me here as I take you through photos that I have shot personally that I didn't expose correctly in camera and watch how shooting in RAW allowed my to save the under exposed photos. If you have some banger photos but they are just too under exposed to use, try switching over to RAW and let me know in the comments if you notice the difference!


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