Rajesh Hamal Biography | Nepali Actor Biography - Nepali celebrities

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Rajesh hamal Mahanayak is famous actor in Nepal. This is rajesh hamal biography.
Shortly after his modelling career, he took advantage of a familial tie to the movie industry. His uncle Deepak Raymajhiwas a successful director, andas such, Hamal landed a leading role in his first film YugDekhiYugSamma, in 1989. The film was met with great success.

Rajesh Hamal starred alongside the young and beautiful actress Kristi Mainali. Their onscreen chemistry was irresistible to audiences, intrigued by this new handsome young actor. The classic, tragic love story was carefully crafted so as not to seem over-done, and helped Hamal earn credibility as a budding young actor. The film was met with such admiration from critics and viewers alike, then-amateur actor Hamal was awarded with Best Debut Actor by the Nepali Actor Awards that year.He was also deemed the “Superstar of Tomorrow” in 1990, in large part thanks to his uncle’s movie.

YugDekhiYugSamma was the movie that started it all. Hamal then dove headfirst into acting. He and Mainali would go one to star together in another film Chino, the following year. He poured himself into film after film, and went on to act in an average of ten movies per year. In 1994, he worked on 14 different films, the highest number of movies he worked on in one year in his entire career. He received at least one, sometimes more, notable awards or nominations for Best Actor each consecutive year starting in 1990. Hamal’s acting success was unstoppable.

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