'Jesus Is Coming Soon': Evil and Darkness Rage, But Nick Hall Sees Revival Too

Описание к видео 'Jesus Is Coming Soon': Evil and Darkness Rage, But Nick Hall Sees Revival Too

Evangelist Nick Hall is in the midst of yet another monumental, year-long evangelism campaign — and he believes hearts and souls are being transformed. "Anthem of Grace" kicked off with a massive global broadcast on Good Friday, hitting tens of millions of people with the Gospel. Translated into 60 languages, millions more are still consuming the content in nations across the world months after the event was first aired.

"It's been amazing to see what God is doing," Hall, founder of the Pulse Movement, told CBN News. "And I think we all know this, but ... there's a revival spreading. There's joy, there's hope." The evangelist said the Anthem of Grace campaign centers, in part, on "Amazing Grace," the "most sung and most translated hymn ever." Beyond that, he said the campaign seeks to focus on the power of the Gospel to change hearts and minds.

"[It also focuses on the] story of every believer whose life has been changed by this and trying to tell the story of God's grace in our lives, and welcoming people into that anthem of grace," Hall said. The faith leader said the mission of highlighting the change God has made in people's lives and helping others discover the same transformation in their own journeys is the pinnacle of the campaign.

"It's just incredible to see the hunger, and we're really just trying to see a global movement of just pointing back to the grace of God," Hall said. "And, hopefully, equipping as many believers as possible to share that story of how God's changed them." Hall said he is humbled to see how God has used his ministry to reach so many hearts.

At the end of the year, Hall said he hopes "Anthem of Grace" helps light a fire in the hearts of people who have not yet encountered the Lord. "In my heart and talking to so many believers ... I just believe Jesus is coming soon ... I just go to, you know, 'How do we see as many people as possible hear the gospel and know the Gospel?'" Hall continued, "Because we know that ... the Word promises things, right? The Word's going to go to the ends of the Earth and then Christ is going to return."

Hall wants every person who claims to know Jesus to "testify to the goodness of God" — something he believes would immediately transform global circumstances. "It would change the world overnight ... just the testimony of the saints," Hall said. "Even in Revelation, it says, 'We're going to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.'" Thus, he hopes people's testimonies make a massive difference by proving the Gospel's power and sway to a watching world.


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