5 Things Self Publishers Should Do

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If you're an author writing a book to self publish, the list of things you need to do is already pretty long. But, there are some things you may not realize that you should do. Leaving these things to the last minute can delay your book launch and even cost you more money. Make sure you watch this video to learn what you need to do to keep your launch on time and sell your book!

In this video, author Julie Broad outlines what those things are and what you should do right now to make sure you've covered all the details!

Watch more videos on self publishing your book here:
   • 5 Ways to Sell Your Self Published Book  

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Transcript of video:
Working on a book and planning the self-publish?
There's five things that you should probably do sooner than later that you may not have thought of.

After just launching this book I realize there's a handful of things that a lot of folks self-publishing don't realize you're going to have to do. Here's my list of the top 5 things you probably haven't thought of that. You're going to need to do as the self publisher to save you time and maybe even money down the road.

Don't wait until you're ordering the graphics design of your book cover to write your book cover a copy because one of the things you're going to want for your book cover besides your title is probably going to be a little bio of yourself, some testimonials and of course a book description.

This stuff has to be excellent this cover sells your book, or doesn't sell your book and what is on
it matters a lot so you're going to want to start soliciting testimonials and endorsements for your book as soon as you have a draft that is worthy of being shared in some format so you're going to want to make sure you get those testimonials collect as many as you can so you can pick the best ones for your cover and start writing a book description.

I highly recommend you get people with copywriting expertise to read it get an editor to review it and refine it and make sure that it cuts the marketing mustard.

If you're writing a nonfiction book you may want to have it indexed. I only mention it because it adds a couple of weeks to your timeline because you might be planning a specific launch date and if you're doing that but then have things like editing and indexing and layout that take longer than you expect then your project will be delayed and they'll mess up your launch date.

So, just factored in if you're planning on having your book indexed plan for it to take two weeks and probably get in contact with the person that's going to be indexing it so that you're in touch with them and they're ready for your project when you
send it to them.

Another suggestion regarding your timeline allocate a lot of time to review it in every single format so if you're getting it done in a Kindle format, in an iBooks format as well as a printed format you're going to have to read that bad boy three more times yeah!

I hope you loved your book because by the end of reading it a hundred times it's it's a lot harder to love it but you have to read it in those formats because funky things happen when it goes into the layout for those things.

One of the things that happen in my layout was in the printed version only I discovered that she had accidentally numbered one one three didn't notice this until the final product and I only noticed it in the print version it wasn't in the Kindle version so these little things happen during layout processing and you have to read it and so that's more time you can probably add another couple weeks to your schedule to take care of those things.

Kind of a planning thing as well but you want to have bloggers and podcasters and reviews on Amazon and you want to send these books out in advance so when you launch these folks are ready with those reviews they're ready to share with their audience they have your book in hand to do that.

Your author headshot yes for that cover but here's the thing that happened to me on my first book I had a actually peach colored shirt not this one but one kind of like it and that was my headshot loved the headshot always figured it would be on the back cover until my book cover was read it didn't look so good with the read cover so the very last minute I had to go back get a
new headshot wearing a black shirt so in advance.


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