(BQ No.1) (Live!) Shiny Fennekin finally shines in Pokémon Y after 2 years of hunting!

Описание к видео (BQ No.1) (Live!) Shiny Fennekin finally shines in Pokémon Y after 2 years of hunting!

My apologies, I didn't realise just how much I had to say here, feel free to skip it if you wish, there is a TLDR at the bottom.

This has been the most brutal hunt i have done by FAR.
The slow resets combined with going so damn far overodds was like sandpaper, slowly wearing down my adamance and pride I had as a shiny hunter.

This hunt destroyed any will I had to shiny hunt in general a few months after I started it back in 2022, and I ended up taking an 8 Month Haitus from full-odds hunting partially because of it (and also because school was getting pretty darn busy), and I probably only put in 1k encounters throughout 2023 (I don't know the exact amount because this hunt made me realise that counting just made me feel horribly unmotivated, especially on days where i made little progress on an extremely slow hunt, so I stopped counting at 12k in december 2022)

Having to accept defeat at the hands of the XY Briefcase Simulator hurt quite a bit, as it was one of two hunts I was desperate to finish in 2022. However, it was for the best that I stopped.

I came back in early april 2024, not only with a better way of recording my 3ds screen (I got snickerstream to work), but also with more willpower then I had previously. I was going to show this Fennekin that no matter how long it'd take, the indomitable human spirit would prevail.

Picking up this hunt again was far more fun then I was expecting it to be, as i streamed most of the hunt to friends on discord, and so many jokes (and even a shiny race that I lost) come out of that, like the Pokemon Art Academy art of all time, and Jedward.

Actually finishing this hunt is probably the most astonishing thing to happen to me in the 4+ years i've been shiny hunting. It felt like it was the end of the biggest arc in my shiny hunting journey, and I was incredibly overwhealmed when it shined. for years, this hunt was a wall that towered over me and a stain on my pride, and I was finally free.

Looking back on it, this hunt was incredibly brutal, and fate clearly hated me. However, across the span of this hunt, so much had happened to me, both in real life and in terms of the shiny hunting community. I had made so many memories over the course of hunting this, and these last 3 months especially have been the most fun i've ever had shiny hunting. So despite how brutal the resets were, and how horrible my luck was, this is by far the best and most special hunt i've ever done.

as for what i'll do with this file? i have no clue tbh, i'll probably do a badge quest or a DTQ.

TLDR - This hunt and my luck during this hunt sucked, but the fact that I had the will to finish it along with all of the memories i've made along the way (both in and out of the shiny hunting communtiy) made this hunt so much more fun and special to me then any other.

I'm sorry for going on so much in this description, and you have my thanks for reading it, regardless of weather you actually did or if you just skimmed through to the end of it. I hope the rest of your day will be great.

Twitter - Trans_Fennekin
Instagram - The_Bellossom

Aquacorde Town - Pokémon X and Y


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