3.24 - Mana Stacking Righteous Fire - T17 Fortress Strongboxes

Описание к видео 3.24 - Mana Stacking Righteous Fire - T17 Fortress Strongboxes

Current PoB:

Here a minimum Budget Version (~90div) of this Build by CaptainLance9:
   • Mana Man Cutting The Cost  

For all they want my Lootfilter or maybe only the Soundfiles:
you have to download the Sound Files separatly and paste the files (unzip) into your Folder where you have the Loot Filter Files. Here are the Soundfiles:


And here are my Filter:

Safe and Export, get all Striktness per Zip and paste it to the Filter Folder where the Soundfiles in.

You can let all Soundfiles into the Folder when you play another Lootfilter, its no problem.
If you want import some of the Soundfiles into your own Lootfilter, you have to upload the Soundfiles on Filterblade. After it you can select the sound files as all others in Filterblade.


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