真實植髮個案5 - 素人 Derek 剖白實錄 (May 2024)

Описание к видео 真實植髮個案5 - 素人 Derek 剖白實錄 (May 2024)

tell me about your story…

脫髮其實唔淨止係年紀大嘅男仕痛點,而家已經有年輕化嘅趨勢添!而今次我哋呢輯嘅素人嘉賓 Derek 就係一個好好嘅例子喇,既後生又夠晒好口才嘅 Derek,原來佢對自己嘅外表儀容都甚為講究,尤其係睇到自己個 “M” 字額係咁向後移,都唔知會後移到幾時添!? 好!見你咁勇敢同積極去克服脫髮問題,今次就等你同大家分享一吓你嘅故仔,等同你差唔多年紀嘅朋友仔都可以鼓起勇氣去積極面對啦!大家準備好未~? 去片!

睇完之後心思思想解決脫髮問題嘅你,唔駛再覺得尷尬喇,而家就 PM 我哋同我哋傾吓啦~!

Hair transplant case # 5 documentary – real-life people, Derek (May 2024)

Hair loss is not just a problem occurs to older men, with our lifestyle changes nowadays, there’s a tendency that it also occurs to the younger generation of men too! Our real-life people guest this time, Derek, is such a good example. Derek is young, energetic and talkative, he is very conscious about his grooming and appearance too! As he started to notice his "M" forehead is receding further and further, it raises his concern and he decided it’s time to tackle this issue instantly! Good spirit Derek! How great to see this young man who is brave and proactive enough to overcome his hair loss issue, we are glad to have you! Without further ado, let’s hear what Derek said about his hair loss story, and hopefully it encourages those in the same age range as him out there, to be as courageous as this young man to deal with their hair loss issue upfront! So, are you ready? Here we go!

Are you feeling motivated to trouble-shoot your hair loss problem properly without feeling embarrassed after watching this episode? Then come and PM us today for a chat and see how we can help!

地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
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Facebook: HairWorks專業醫學植髮中心
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微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
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