[DYOM] Martin's Addiction Show #2 - H-31 [MOTW

Описание к видео [DYOM] Martin's Addiction Show #2 - H-31 [MOTW

In this part, I'll show you the most creative designers designing their missions who put ther passion and time of creating something that would look fabulous in front of people who download and play these games. One of them are M316 and of course VikingEVM. They are known for their gameplay elements and the creativity of variety with DYOM#.
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/martins...
Discord: Martin's Path#8022
Discord Server:   / discord  
H-31 (made by M316): https://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/69326
Quadruple Extermination (made by VikingEVM) https://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/61678
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